Rapid drug detox treatment UK patient
Forty two years old male patient from UK. He was using heroin for twenty five years, and went through three unsuccessful and painful detoxes before. Two weeks after getting in touch with Dr Vorobiev Clinic, he came to Belgrade, which is very fast in his opinion because in the UK you have to wait at least 9 weeks for a treatment. He was picked up at the airport by the clinic staff, and immediately realized, by the way they were treating him, that this clinic is like no other that he visited in the past. Everybody was so nice and helpful, and all of his needs (medical, dietary etc.) were met as soon as possible. He went through the least painless possible detox, and stayed in Serbia for a while for an outpatient treatment.
In our Rapid drug detox treatment hospital we had patients from all over the world: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Ireland, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, York, Michigan, USA, Europe, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany...
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