Heroin detox and naltrexone implant therapy patient from East London
Hello, I am Riley from East London, England. I’ve been messing around with drugs for 20 years now. I’ve been to
several rehabs and detox centers unfortunately none of them works so once I heard for this Naltrexone implant
I check internet and this doctor Vorobiev place seems to have all the answers to my questions and that’s why
came here. I’ve been here for 7 day detox now and they had the implant. But when I arrived obviously I was
apprehensive it’s a long way way you know but it’s unbelievable how nice the people were how come they make
you feel and the process was so simple and it was absolutely painless and day one up once today. I couldn’t
emphasis enough how good it was. And now I got the implant that is going to give me the backup for when I go
back to England in two days time, otherwise we all know nine out of ten people failure that’s why I had the implant
I just keep in it real it is time to choose life you know, between your crack life and your real life. I have enough of
crack and demand real life this time and that’s like wall says freedom from drugs and that’s what I need and that’s
what I got, so can only say how it do it for me and if can do for me after 15 to 20 years of drugs you can do it for
you to … so that’s all I got to say.
In our heroin detox and naltrexone implant hospital we had patients from all over the world: Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, UK, England, London, Dublin, Northern Ireland, Belfast, Liverpool, Bristol, Leicester, Europe, Norway, Germany, Austria, italy, Switzerland, USA, Australia, Canada...
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