F.A.Q - Addiction treatment
How far is the treatment safe?
Safe addiction treatment is our top priority. The activities of the clinic are approved by the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. The whole medical staff is certified and regularly undergoes through confirmation procedures and professional development training . The clinic is fully equipped with the all necessary medical equipment. The clinic has all the necessary installation to provide medical help in case of the urgent situation: respirators, oxygen machines, defibrillators, monitors, medical supplies. The entire staff is trained to provide intensive care, many have experience working at ICU( Intensive Care Unit) departments. The doctor, the nurse and security staff are on 24h duty 7 days a week.
The quality of medical service is constantly supervised by the Ministry of Health of the the Republic of Serbia, the State Sanitary Inspection, the Society for Protection of the Patients' Rights in Serbia, as well as by the international medical tourism organizations.
Should I leave my country?
Our clinic offers treatment options that may be available in your country: UROD (Ultra Rapid Opiod Detoxification) (USA, UK, Israel, Latvia), NET (Neuro Electrical Therapy) (Switzerland), Naltrexone implants (USA, UK, Australia), Ibogaine therapy (Holland), Xenon therapy (Russia, United Kingdom), Cryotherapy (Russia, Israel) and etc. Dr. Vorobiev clinic accumulates all advanced medical technologies known in modern addiction medicines. Our doctors are trained and have experience working at rehab centers in different countries. So if you are not satisfied with the results of treatment in your own country, you have a chance for treatment with the different approach at our clinic.
How to pay for treatment?
Treatment at our clinic can be paid either by the patients themselves or by the sponsors, or by the charitable organizations. Signing a treatment contract before treatment is a mandatory procedure. Money refund by the social services of some countries (Austria, Switzerland) is possible on the base of a treatment contract and payment confirmation. Payment for treatment can be done either by money transferring on the clinic”s bank account or by cash.
What is the guarantee of the result?
One hundred percents of success is impossible. However, after reading the detailed statistics and treatment programs you can see that we create a multi-layered system of protection against possible relapse. Naltrexone blockade, supportive out-patient treatment, permanent contact with the patients and their relatives for an extended period of time allow us to control the situation. New methods of treament and effective out-patient, maintenance therapy provide a high rate of success. We guarantee a high level of diagnostics, care and client-oriented therapy.
Is it difficult to arrive to the addiction treatment clinic?
- No visa is required for the citizens of the European Union, America, Israel, Switzerland and other countries to come to Serbia. Dr Vorobiev addiction treatment clinic provides a shuttle from the airport to the clinic to pick up the patient at the day of arrival, also helps to place the relatives in nearby hotels. In case of difficulties of communication with the patient we invite an interpreter. Our staff speaks Serbian, Russian, English.
What is the situation in case of relapse?
- Fortunately, such cases are few and usually involve a violation of the treatment protocol during the out-patient phase of treatment. We do not refuse to help those patients, willing to work together to analyze the cause of relapse and eleborate the plan of actions to retrieve the result.
How can I be sure that the detox treatment is really safe, efficient, comfortable?
- You need to visit the sections of our website where you may read our patient”s reviews, watch their interviews. The patients often share their feedback on the web forums devoted to detox treatment. You can also find there the comments about Dr. Vorobiev clinic.
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