Rapid detox withdrawal from methadone UROD Norway patient
Dr. Alexey: Tomorrow you leave our clinic, so I’d like two ask you just few questions. Tell me please how old are you?
Patient: I’m soon to be 37
Dr. Alexey: Thirty seven… where are you from
Patient: I’m from Norway
Dr. Alexey: Tell us your story, when did you start with drugs, what kind of drugs was that
Patient:I started with hashish when I was 17. I came to be more advance with amphetamine when I was about 20 and I did not take heroin before I was 26.
Dr. Alexey: So, you started using heroin at the age of twenty six. And how long have you been on heroin?
Patient: seven years
Dr. Alexey: So, you switched from heroin to methadone
Patient: Four years ago, yes.
Dr. Alexey: So, for the last four years you were on methadone?
Patient: yes
Dr Alexey: What was your daily dose?
Patient: 110 mg
Dr. Alexey: hundred and ten milligrams of methadone. So, it was a liquid form methadone?
Patient: Yes
Dr. Alexey: Did you ever have treatment?
Patient: I have never had treatment. The only treatment I had was myself – cold turkey
Dr. Alexey: So, were you successful?
Patient: one time I have been in prison I had to be
Dr. Alexey: For how long have you been clean
Patient: Six months
Dr. Alexey: So, you were clean for six months, and then you went back to heroin
Patient: Yeah, they started giving me heroin one week before I leave prison
Dr. Alexey: So four years you were on methadone…Why did you decided to undergo detoxification?
Patient: That’s a simple question…because I know that it is state government program on methadone in Norway and it’s like a feel you get policed by them, I have to ask them if I can have an extra bottle if I go somewhere…
Dr. Alexey: So, actually you were tied up, you didn’t feel free
Patient: No I didn’t feel free
Dr. Alexey: Because you couldn’t live without methadone, and you couldn’t go far without methadone, that was the main reason
Patient: Yeah, like I was in some kind of Big Brother
Dr. Alexey: So, you were at our clinic for detoxification? It took… how many days?
Patient: Seven days
Dr. Alexey: What do you think about this treatment?
Patient: I didn’t realize that it was that good as it was. It was very good
Dr. Alexey: How did it look like?
Patient: Very calm enviroment
Dr. Alexey: How many procedures did you have?
Patient: I had three procedures
Dr. Alexey: You had 3 detox procedures… And how was it at the beginning?
Patient: I was so sleepy. I sleep, sleep, sleep… couple of days
Dr. Alexey: Did you feel any symptoms of withdrawal?
Patient: on the fourth day, a little
Dr. Alexey: and we gave you medication
Patient: Yes
Dr. Alexey: And that laid you back
Patient: Yes
Dr. Alexey: So we had to start third procedure
Patient: Yes
Dr. Alexey: So after the third procedure, how did you feel?
Patient: Now I feel fine
Dr. Alexey: Are you satisfied with the results of the treatment?
Patient: Exceptionally, yes
Dr. Alexey: So the treatment met your expectations
Patient: yes
Dr. Alexey: We wish you all the best, just follow all our recommendations.
Patient: yes I will
Dr. Alexey: , Be well, and good like to you
Patient: Thank you
In our Rapid methadone detox ( UROD ) hospital we had patients from all over the world: Belfast, Lisburn, Dublin, Cork, Cardiff, Swansea, ondon, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Leicester, Wakefield, Coventry, Nottingham, Newcastle, Europe, Germany, Norway, France, Italy...
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