Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction reviews patient from England
I was very involved with drugs in the past and after coming to this clinic I had very successful results. I feel like I have a new possibility to enjoy life as it was before I had drugs. But I still have many experiences which will be beneficial in my future.
Ok, so, after arriving, after doing some tests and what have I did a UROD treatment or rapid opioid dependence treatment where I was anesthetized. Then I was given a dose of naltrexone which means that the opiates in my system were quickly eradicated – to my understanding, and I work from that, and I feel that I didn’t have any opiates in my system and that I didn’t have craving for opiates. Then I did the ibogaine therapy and the experience was interesting but afterwards I felt new, felt fresh, almost like a rebirth. So, that’s a positive outcome. I was born in Australia, and from here I plan to go to India to further my studies.
In our Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction center we had patients from all over the world: England, London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Northern Ireland, Belfast, Ireland, Dublin, Scotland, Aberdeen, Glasgow, UK, Europe, France, Norway, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Canada, Australia, United states...
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