Ibogaine detox session experience stops heroin withdrawal craving
Hi guys, I’m here just to tell you all about my problems.
I had three and a half year heroin addiction and tried to get cleaned several times on my own and that never worked, and so I came to the clinic to get an implant on two separate occasions and I continued to use towards the end of the implant I thought it would’ve been worn of… so I needed to clean and cure mental side of my addiction.
I read about ibogaine therapy and decided to give it a go. I had a lot of expectations about what would it be like, what I would see, things from my past, from my future. I realized later that that was probably the wrong way to go about it; I should have gone into the experience expecting nothing, because It wasn’t really as I thought it was going to be… I didn’t really have any visions, I had a very strange feeling in my body, it was a very difficult experience. But afterwards I realized that maybe I should look at it in a different way… I probably deserved suffering for all that drug abuse I have gone through and after the experience, ibogaine session it was very difficult, I couldn’t really sleep. The doctors and the nurses at the clinic were very good and gave me medication and I’ve managed to get some sleep.
I walk up the next day feeling much, much better and clearheaded, but I still have the strange feeling in my body. No cravings for drugs after the session. I think the real test of the Ibogaine will be whether I get cravings when I get back home so it would be interesting to see how it goes with that and I think that’l be the real test.
If you got to this point, definitely give ibogaine a go, it certainly cannot hurt you, your thoughts cannot hurt you, that’s how you have to look at it, that’s how I was looking at it… and hopefully you could get something done.
In our ibogaine detox hospital we had patients from all over the world:
England, London, Bradford, Manchester,Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Liverpool, Bristol, Leicester, Wakefield, Coventry, Nottingham, Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Wales,Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Northern Ireland, Belfast, Lisburn, Dublin, Europe, Switzerland, Austria, France, Norway, Italy, Australia, United states, Canada...
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