Rapid detox oxycodone UROD procedure patient from Norway
Hello am from Norway im 30 years old, and i got to this clinic because of my addiction to oxycontin. I used 400 miligrams a day. At Dr Vorobiev they do urod detoxification, it was very god. And i did not have any withdrawal symptoms , if i fel any pain, back pain, leg pain, and any pain at all they give you the medicine. All staf are friendly and talk very good english. Serbia is a god land to travel for detoxification so i hope that everybody who needs help came to this clinic, this is the best clinic in the world. Thank you
In our rapid Detox UROD center we had patients from all over the world: Northern Ireland, Belfast, Wales,Cardiff,Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Cork, Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Birmingham,Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Brighton, UK, Europe, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark...
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