I came from Dublin, problems with addiction. I’ve used heroin all me life and I’ve been relapsed several years ago due to family problems and things gone wrong in me life and ended up back on heroin. They keep you comfortable all the time so that you don’t feel withdrawals at all. They put you...
Twenty nine years old female patient from England was addicted to heroin and crack cocaine. At the Dr Vorobiev clinic, she went through ultra rapid opioid detoxification and naltrexon therapy (3 months implant) and is very satisfied with the results.
I’ve had two treatments for my heroin addiction which I’ve had for the past twenty years on and off. I had two treatments which are the Ultra Rapid Opiate Detoxification. I’ve now completed detox, and looking to put an naltrexone implant in.
You just decided to pass drug detoxification, opiate detox…and what do you think about the treatment, how was it? Patient: I think It was very good. I think it’s definitely worth doing, yeah. Dr Alexey: So, you passed one detoxification procedure, and you were on medicaments, on...
My name is Carl and I have heroin’s problem for 20 years. Tried going to Portugal, the treatment was aright and I you know … I had the implant and that. But when I come out I was … I keep up … and after 4 days straight away which I wasn’t really ready for so
Forty two years old male patient from UK. He was using heroin for twenty five years, and went through three unsuccessful and painful detoxes before. He went through the least painless possible drug detox, and stayed in Serbia for a while for an outpatient treatment.
I grew up in the States, and I started using painkillers like roxies, oxy, percocets. Shortly after that in 2007 I ended up using heroin…black. I had detox for 5 days, I started seeing that procedures were helping me. What they offered me was an implant against heroin receptors which is exactly...
Dr. Alexey: So, for the last four years you were on methadone? Patient: yes. Dr Alexey: What was your daily dose? Patient: 110 mg Dr. Alexey: hundred and ten milligrams of methadone. So, it was a liquid form methadone? Patient: Yes. Dr. Alexey: Did you ever have treatment? Patient: I have never had...
I’ve been a drug addict, a heroin addict for about ten years, 10-14 years. I’ve stayed here seven days. It was the best seven days that I stayed anywhere to detox, and I recommend it to anybody.So if you ever think about coming – come!
Hi, I’m from London, I’ve been a heroin user for more than ten years, mainly pure heroin. And that was two to three grams a day. I found this clinic on the internet which was one of the cheaper ones – 2000 Euros which is affordable when you’re spending that much money on heroin a month.
I was using heroin, smoking heroin for past 25 years, mostly nonstop. Do you think that treatment you had to detox procedure … how did you feel straight after detox procedures? Very satisfied.
Twenty seven year old patient that had to go through three procedures because of the high doseses of heroin. After the first detoxification procedure, coming out of anesthesia he was a bit dizzy, his mood was not that good, he was starting to feel a bit stiff, but after the second one, he was...
Me and my girlfriend we traveling all the time and we find dr Vorobiev clinic. We came back and Claudia found that was the last chance to detox from heroin which she is been suffering from for around 20 years. Came to the clinic … normally what to expect.
Patient form England was addicted to heroin and methadone. He was nervous and began feeling withdrawals upon reception but straight away, after signing some papers he went through detox and is feeling great now.
Hello, I am Riley from East London, England. I’ve been messing around with drugs for 20 years now. I’ve been to several rehabs and detox centers unfortunately none of them works so once I heard for this Naltrexone implant I check internet and this doctor Vorobiev place seems to have all...
Hello am from Norway im 30 years old, and i got to this clinic because of my addiction to oxycontin. I used 400 miligrams a day. At Dr Vorobiev they do urod detoxification, it was very god. And i did not have any withdrawal symptoms , if i fel any pain, back pain, leg pain, and any pain at all they...
Not too bad. I was in withdrawing too bad because I still had it all in me. I think the most withdrawal was after the first procedure that we did. The first ultra rapid detox procedure. I felt after that really weak, really drained. Symptoms were running nose, caughing for a little bit...It was not...
I being doing heroin for 17 years and after today I have made huge breaks through by doing drugs Naltrexone implant by doctor Aleks in Belgrade, we are in the finest hands of people in Serbia, and I would like to all other addicts that life can get better.
Ivan: Where you came from? Patient: Dublin. Ivan: From Dublin … and you find us? Patient: Trough the internet. Ivan: It was easy to find us? Patient: Yeah, It was lot easier than … more than England than, couldn’t find any in England, I found one here. Ivan: Ok. How long you have problem and what...
How’s a going lads, lads and girls … I’m from Dublin … you see … England couldn’t do implant anymore … we apologize for husky voice … but anyway, in Dublin that’s the way we talk … my voice is just been f…king husky. Based that England couldn’t do the implant that I needed and the method of...
Dr. Alexey: Let me make this story a little bit clearer. So, you had problems with heroin. Patient: yes. Dr. Alexey: And for a few days you didn’t take heroin before coming to clinic, your intention was to get implant, for one year, Naltrexone implant. Ok? Patient:Ok. Dr. Alexey: But then when we...
Female patient form UK was addicted to crack and heroin.She came to the clinic for rapid drug detox and naltrexone 12 months implant. She got rid of heroin cravings, and is very satisfied with the treatment, satisfied with the staff at the clinic and atmosphere among patients.
come from London being using heroin for 10 … 12 years … I wanted to try some Naltrexone implants cause I want to take away the option of preemptive to get drugs and use them. So I check the internet and found doctor Aleksej here in Belgrade … and I turned up this morning and it’s all done. It’s...
Forty eight year old patient from Perth, Australia.He was put to sleep while his body was detoxing and he did not feel any pain. Pharmacological blockade was implanted (long term Naltrexone implant). He is in a very good and stable condition and is very satisfied with the treatment. He feels...
Ok, so, after arriving, after doing some tests and what have I did a UROD treatment or rapid opioid dependence treatment where I was anesthetized. Then I did the ibogaine therapy and the experience was interesting but afterwards I felt new, felt fresh, almost like a rebirth. So,...
I read about ibogaine therapy and decided to give it a go. No cravings for drugs after the session. If you got to this point, definitely give ibogaine a go, it certainly cannot hurt you, your thoughts cannot hurt you, that’s how you have to look at it, that’s how I was looking at it...
Patient from the USA with ten year addiction to prescription drugs. At Dr Vorobiev clinic she went through successful detoxification and ibogaine therapy and she is very satisfied with the results.
Forty four year old patient from Manchester that got addicted to prescription drugs. He went through detox and chiropractic sessions for his lower back problem and psychiatric and psychological care as well for his anxieties - so this is the first clinic that addressed the root of his problem.
Twenty year old patient from Florida, US. He went through the detox, maintaining therapy and he is extremely satisfied with the results. This Clinic is the best one, it would be a part of him for the rest of his life.
I drink too much and when I found out that I drink even at work I figure out that I had to look for professional help. People were very nice to me and helped me a lot and I didn’t find it hard to stop my cravings for alcohol and as I was saying it’s very efficient method I could...
I came to the clinic here at dr. Vorobiev because I was addicted to cocaine, pills and marijuana. When I first came I wasn’t willing to do any other procedures, I wasn’t willing to have a xenon therapy, the stem cell therapy but once I got more comfortable around doctors I was able to see that...
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