Opiate detox recovery program london patient experience
Dr Alexey: So, you leave our clinic. I would like for people to here your story. Tell me please: Where are you from?
Patient: London
Dr Alexey: London, Ok, you live in London, so what was the problem?
Patient: Heroin
Dr Alexey: Heroin addiction?
Patient: Yes
Dr Alexey: For how long?
Patient: 13 years
Dr Alexey: 13 years already… have you ever had treatment before?
Patient: No, no
Dr Alexey: Never, ok. So why did you decide to pass treatment.
Patient: It got recommended by a friend
Dr Alexey: So, you were tired of just being…
Patient: Yes, I was just tired of being an addict
Dr Alexey: So what were the negative consequences of being an addict?
Patient: Well…spending all your money, doing nothing constructive, and basically just not getting on with life.
Dr Alexey: And so, how did you find our clinic?
Patient: It got recommended to me by someone who has been here before, and they told me to look on the internet, and I went on the internet and I found it.
Dr Alexey: And do, you just decided to pass drug detoxification, opiate detox…and what do you think about the treatment, how was it?
Patient: I think It was very good. I think it’s definitely worth doing, yeah.
Dr Alexey: So, you passed one detoxification procedure, and you were on medicaments, on neuro jet (N.E.T) therapy…. So how was it during the treatment? In the beginning probably it was hard?
Patient: Very hard, yeah, it’s pretty hard.
Dr Alexey: Now, how you feel?
Patient: I feel great now
Dr Alexey: So what do you think now, are you satisfied with the results?
Patient: Definitely, it’s definitely worth it
Dr Alexey: No symptoms of withdrawal?
Patient: No
Dr Alexey: No physical, no mental problems?
Patient: No, no... I’m not sure you can do this on your own.
Dr Alexey: Are you sure about yourself?
Patient: Yeah, we are pretty sure
Dr Alexey: So do you have any plans?
Patient: Yeah, I got loads of plans
Dr Alexey: Nice, so do you recommend to other people…
Patient: definetly!
Dr Alexey: …who have the same problem?
Patient: I would definitely recommend it. In fact, I already have! I’ve recommended it to two of my mates! I already have
Dr Alexey: Ok, I wish you all the best in the future, a life without drugs
Patient: Thank you, see you in two weeks.
In our opiate detox recovery hospital we had patients from all over the world: Cardiff, Dublin, Cork, Limerick,London, Perth, Stirling, Manchester, Liverpool, Wolverhampton , Belfast, Oxford, Wells, Europe, England, Germany, Uk, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Canada, USA, Norway, Sweden, Finland...
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