Naltrexone implant experiences patient from London
come from London being using heroin for 10 … 12 years … I wanted to try some Naltrexone implants cause I want to take away the option of preemptive to get drugs and use them. So I check the internet and found doctor Aleksej here in Belgrade … and I turned up this morning and it’s all done. It’s very easy and everything is cool here and it didn’t hurt. So you get my recommendation.
In our hospital for naltrexone implant we had patients from all over the world: London, Dublin, Belfast, Manchester, Coventry, Nottingham, Sunderland, Brighton, Salford, Oxford, Canterbury, St Albans, Preston, Lancaster, Norwich, Cambridge, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Cardiff, Dublin, UK, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Europe, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, United states, Australia, Canada...
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