Rapid detox 5 days heroin and painkillers abuser USA patient
I grew up in the States, and I started using painkillers like roxies, oxy, percocets. Shortly after that in 2007 I ended up using heroin…black. I was using it all until 2011, October, when I got clean. And than in 2012, December I came to Europe, to Serbia, where I’m originally from and end up relapsing. I’ve found this clinic in Belgrade, they said they can help me. I ended up admitting myself. I had detox for 5 days, I started seeing that procedures were helping me. What they offered me was an implant against heroin receptors which is exactly what I got along with the mental block. So, I’m at the end of my procedures, I felt great, and I just wanted to share that with you guys. So hopefully my story will touch somebody else.
In our 5 days Rapid detox clinic we had patients from all over the world: England, London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Leicester, Wakefield, Coventry, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sunderland, Europe, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, France...
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