Rapid detox under anesthesia patient reviews
My name is Carl and I have heroin’s problem for 20 years. Tried going to Portugal, the treatment was aright and I you know … I had the implant and that. But when I come out I was … I keep up … and after 4 days straight away which I wasn’t really ready for so … relapse after 2 years … for looked on the internet see that in Belgrade was a cheaper than in Portugal, the care was better, they look after you better, you are not honestly old one but who needs to be still old one … if the treatment works, any problems, any aches and pain all you have to do is ask the doctor, it’s sorted straight away. Well, what more can you ask for. Tried ibogaine for it came … mmmm … bit dodgy, a lot of money, but my physical bean after ibogaine … aaaa lot fucking better maid, you know, no coldness, no sickness, no sneezing, you know I was detox by then but I was still sneezing, but the heat in your body no flashing, and I’m sleeping fine. Well, when I come out of Portugal I wasn’t sleeping; I didn’t sleep at all for a 6 month so … that’s all I can tell you guys. Thank you.
In our Rapid detox under anesthesia hospital, we had patients from all over the world: London, Liverpool, Bristol, Stoke, Derby, Southampton, Northern Ireland, Belfast, Gloucester, Exeter, Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Cork, Uk, Europe, England, Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, France...
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