Heroin detoxification painless under anasthesia
Twenty seven year old patient that had to go through three procedures because of the high doseses of heroin. It took fifteen days after the first contact to come to the clinic. The staff helped him to get a visa too. He didn’t know what to expect. After the first detoxification procedure, coming out of anesthesia he was a bit dizzy, his mood was not that good, he was starting to feel a bit stiff, but after the second one, he was feeling much, much better. After the third procedure, the withdrawal was over. He is truly satisfied with the results of the treatment.
In our heroin detoxification center we had patients from all over the world: UK, London, Dublin,England, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Ireland, Dublin, Wells, Cardiff, Swansea, Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, USA, Florida, NJ, Europe, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France...
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